Access to official information in Bremen and Bremerhaven
Recht und Verbraucherschutz
You have a right of access to official information in Bremen and Bremerhaven.
Basic information
They all have a right of access to official information in Bremen and Bremerhaven under the Bremen Freedom of Information Act. You can therefore obtain the Senate resolutions on kindergarten fees as well as the administrative regulations of the social administration on "reasonable" rent levels and ... The administration must make part of this information available to you free of charge in the central electronic information register. The electronic information register of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen can be found on the website under the menu item Citizen Service/Transparency Portal.
The transparency portal contains a comprehensive collection of laws and regulations from Bremen and Bremerhaven.
If you cannot find what you are looking for in the electronic information register, you can apply for access to information at from all state authorities, local authorities and other legal entities under public law and their associations that are subject to state supervision.
If you encounter difficulties in enforcing your right to access information or have any other questions regarding freedom of information, you can contact us.