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  • Dienstleistungen
  • Application for a classification criterion for the purpose of registration in the ElsterOnline portal

Application for a classification criterion for the purpose of registration in the ElsterOnline portal

A certificate is required for electronic authentication. This must be acquired in the course of registration on the ElsterOnline portal or, in the case of selected signature cards, must be registered on the ElsterOnline portal. A domestic classification criterion (tax number) is absolutely essential for registration on the ElsterOnline portal.

Representatives working abroad on behalf of domestic taxpayers (e.g. foreign tax consultants) and domestic authorities who do not have a domestic tax number can apply for this classification criterion in the form of a tax number from the Neubrandenburg Tax Office (RAB).


  • The tax office Neubrandenburg is responsible for:
  • Representatives working abroad (e.g. foreign tax consultants) who wish to transmit authenticated data for domestic taxpayers but do not have a domestic order criterion.

2. domestic authorities that wish to transmit authenticated data but do not have a domestic classification criterion.