Application for admission to a technical school in Bremen
Schule, Ausbildung und Studium
- Select the desired technical school.
- Download the admission form from the homepage of the desired technical school or pick it up on site at the school secretary's office in paper form.
- Fill out the admission form and submit the completed admission form to the technical school along with the necessary documents according to the school's requirements.
- Once you have been selected by the technical school, you will receive a notification from the technical school regarding your acceptance or rejection.
Legal bases
- § 16 Absatz 1 Ziffer 2g Bremisches Schulgesetz (BremSchulG)
- § 29 Bremisches Schulgesetz (BremSchulG)
- § 33 Bremisches Schulgesetz (BremSchulG)
- Bremer Schulblatt Ziffer 431.01
- § 6b Bremisches Schulverwaltungsgesetz (BremSchVwG)
More information
Information on the courses offered can be found on the websites of the respective technical school.