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Application for admission to a vocational school

You would like to apply to a vocational school? The courses offered by the various vocational schools either prepare students for a profession or lead to a school-based vocational qualification. In some cases, they are offered on a dual qualification basis.

The courses offered by the various vocational schools either prepare students for a profession or lead to a school-based vocational qualification. In some cases, they are offered on a dual qualification basis.

The school-based form of vocational training at a vocational school with a vocational qualification is offered in occupational areas in which there is no comparable in-company training in this form in the dual system. Vocational training at the vocational school ends with a state examination.

The vocational preparation courses at the vocational school deepen career orientation and prepare students to enter vocational training. They can be one-year or two-year courses.

In the double-qualifying courses of the vocational school for assistants, there is the possibility of simultaneously and integratively completing recognized vocational training and acquiring a university entrance qualification (Fachhochschulreife or Allgemeine Hochschulreife).

The following degrees can be obtained in the vocational schools:

Vocational school for assistants

  • Biological-technical assistant
  • Chemical-technical assistant
  • Physical-technical assistant
  • Information technology assistant, specializing in information and network systems technology
  • Mathematical-technical assistant, focus on economics and business informatics
  • Technical design assistant, specializing in graphics
  • Commercial assistant, focus on information processing
  • Commercial assistant, focus on foreign languages
  • Pharmaceutical technical assistant

Vocational school for nursing assistance

  • Nursing assistance for the elderly / special education nursing assistance

Vocational school for home economics and family care

  • Specialist for home economics and family care

Vocational school for social pedagogical assistance

  • Social pedagogical assistant / Social pedagogical assistant

Vocational school for child care

  • State-certified child care worker (m/f)

In addition, there are the following further qualifications:

  • Completion of the one-year vocational preparatory school (Erweiterte Berufsbildungsreife or Mittlerer Schulabschluss, if applicable with GyO entrance qualification)
  • Completion of the two-year commercial college (academic part of the entrance qualification for a university of applied sciences).

As a rule, training takes place on a full-time basis.

The training period is 1 to 2 years in full-time form, and 3 to 4 years for double-qualification courses.

To apply for admission, please contact the relevant vocational school.

The contact details of the relevant vocational school can be found in the Bremen Authority Finder. You will find the link under "Further information".


The requirements for attending the desired vocational school can be found on the homepage of the respective vocational school. In some cases, you can attend vocational schools with the "Einfache Berufsbildungsreife", the "Erweiterte Berufsbildungsreife" or the "Mittlere Schulabschluss".

What documents do I need?

  • Admission form

    Completed admission form from the respective vocational school (usually available on the school's homepage).

  • Evidence in accordance with the applicable admission requirements