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  • Dienstleistungen
  • Apply for co-payments and/or co-payments of health care assistance for foster child/ren

Apply for co-payments and/or co-payments of health care assistance for foster child/ren

If a foster child's health insurance coverage is not sufficient for necessary measures, the Office of Social Services may be able to cover necessary co-payments or personal contributions. As a rule, however, such costs are already covered by the monthly lump sums.

Children and adolescents under the age of 18 who are covered by statutory health insurance are exempt from co-payments for prescription drugs, bandages and medical aids (with the exception of travel costs).

Any additional co-payments and co-payments for health care or health insurance benefits for foster children in full-time care are generally covered by the public youth welfare agency. However, these costs are already covered by the monthly benefits to cover regularly recurring needs and the monthly benefits for one-off and annually recurring special needs. This applies, for example, to co-payments for dentures, visual aids, medication, travel costs or orthodontic services.

Only co-payments that are extraordinary in terms of their nature and extent can be additionally reimbursed in individual cases. However, not all medical services can be covered. Certain services are not covered by the statutory health insurance. This applies above all to measures that are not medically necessary or are more cosmetic in nature. Such measures are not covered by health assistance.

What documents do I need?

  • Proof of the co-payment already made by the person being cared for or the person entrusted with their care
    • Travel expenses
    • Medicines, dressings and remedies
    • Dentures
    • Visual aids
    • Orthodontic services