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  • Dienstleistungen
  • Apply for deviations from requirements under building law, from stipulations of a development plan or an urban development ordinance, or from regulations of the Land Use Ordinance.

Apply for deviations from requirements under building law, from stipulations of a development plan or an urban development ordinance, or from regulations of the Land Use Ordinance.


You apply for deviations from building law requirements, stipulations of a development plan, an urban development statute or regulations of the Building Use Ordinance Approval in text form using the published form. Attach the required construction documents.

Submit the application documents to the responsible lower building supervisory authority. If documents are missing or if there are other ambiguities, you will be asked to remedy these obstacles to approval. In this case, submit the missing or adjusted documents and/or the clarification.

The lower building supervisory authority will review your application and involve the municipality and those agencies whose participation or hearing is required for the decision on your application or without whose opinion the requested deviation, exception or exemption cannot be assessed. Finally, you will receive a decision.

The approval of deviations, exceptions and exemptions is subject to a fee.

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