Apply for funding for rainwater infiltration systems
Finanzierung und Förderung
If you plan to install a system for the infiltration of precipitation water, you can apply for funding from the Senator for Climate Protection, Environment, Mobility, Urban Development and Housing.
Basic information
Numerous areas in Bremen and Bremerhaven are overbuilt or sealed by paved roads and paths. Extensive surface sealing means that rainwater can no longer seep away and evaporate naturally, so that groundwater recharge is reduced and canals are overloaded during heavy rainfall. A consequence can be flooding, high water and increased water pollution. However, rainwater that runs off sealed surfaces such as roofs or from the overflow of rainwater storage tanks can often be specifically infiltrated into the ground. For this reason, the Senator for Climate Protection, Environment, Mobility, Urban Development and Housing promotes the construction of systems for the infiltration of rainwater.
Funding is provided for up to one third of the eligible costs of a system, up to a maximum of 3,000 euros. The subsidy amount per square meter of area connected to the infiltration system is a maximum of 12.50 euros. In case of unforeseen additional costs during the construction phase, a subsequent grant can be applied for in writing. However, the total subsidy of 3,000 euros may not be exceeded. Own contributions are not taken into account for the subsidy.
Funding is provided for the construction of facilities for the infiltration of precipitation water. Infiltration can take place via
- surface infiltration
- via infiltration troughs
- trough infiltration systems
- or comparable systems.
Further prerequisites for a subsidy are
- the property in question is located in Bremen or Bremerhaven,
- the applicant is the owner or has the owner's consent,
- at least 50 percent of the sealed area of the property must be connected to the infiltration system,
- for the design of the infiltration system, planning in accordance with Worksheet A 138 of the German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste (DWA-A 138) must be submitted by a specialist,
- the measure is carried out voluntarily, i.e. there is no legal obligation, such as a requirement in the building permit.
The complete decoupling of the area draining into the infiltration system from the sewer system must be ensured. All precipitation water accumulating on the corresponding area is to be infiltrated decentrally on site. At least 50% of the sealed area of the property must be connected to the infiltration system. Materials made of PVC are not eligible.
Any risk to soil and groundwater as a result of infiltration must be excluded.
What documents do I need?
- Pictures if necessary
- Cost estimate
- Plan of the property (e.g. 1:5 000) or a sketch