Apply for infection protection instruction including certificate
Gesundheit und Vorsorge
Ausweise und Dokumente
If you come into contact with open food in the course of your work (e.g. producing or working with food), you will need a certificate from the public health department confirming that you have been instructed in infection protection before you start working in the food sector for the first time.
Basic information
Any person who produces, handles, sells or otherwise places food on the market on a commercial basis and comes into direct or indirect contact with food via plates or cutlery requires a certificate from the public health department in accordance with Section 43 of the Infection Protection Act. This applies, for example, to people who work in restaurants, canteens or communal catering facilities. People who regularly spend time in the kitchens of facilities, such as cleaning assistants or dishwashers, also require a certificate.
The aim of the instruction is to enable you to recognize your own symptoms of infectious diseases or those of your employees at an early stage. You should also be able to prevent the spread and contamination of food and assess when you should no longer carry out your work if you have certain symptoms.
The certificate is proof of successful participation in an instruction course on infection protection measures.
The certificate is valid for life if you start working with food no later than 3 months after obtaining the certificate. If you already have a health certificate, you do not need a new health certificate.
In Bremen, the certificate is only issued by the public health department.
- First-time commercial activity or employment with direct or indirect food contact (production, treatment and sale of food).
- There are no indications that you have an infectious disease (e.g. salmonellosis, shigellosis).
- Persons with insufficient knowledge of German (reading and speaking) require a person to assist with translation.
What documents do I need?
- Identity card or passport
- 32.50 Euro cash (no card payment possible)
- Declaration of assumption of costs from the employer or job center, if applicable
- The certificate of assumption of costs must be addressed to the public health department. It must contain the current date and a billing address. And it must be signed by the employer or the job center.
- A notice from the job center or an application for reimbursement from an authority is not sufficient.
- Persons who do not speak German must bring an interpreter with them.
- We recommend wearing an FFP2 mask, as the instruction takes place in a group.
Please bring an FFP2 mask with you.