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Apply for recognition of a substitute school

Find out how to apply for approval of an alternative school here.

An approved alternative school may apply for recognition. Recognition of a private alternative school is accompanied by the right to issue certificates with the same effect and to hold examinations in accordance with the regulations generally applicable to public schools.

An application for recognition of a private alternative school may be submitted to the Senator for Children and Education, provided that the school offers the guarantee that it will permanently, i.e. as a rule for at least 3 years without interruption, meet the requirements imposed on corresponding public schools.

The recognition of a private alternative school is accompanied by the right to issue certificates with the same effect and to hold examinations in accordance with the regulations generally applicable to public schools.


For the recognition procedure, the instructional preparation of the pupils for the final examinations of the lower secondary level as well as for the Abitur of the school must guarantee that the requirements made of similar or related public schools are permanently fulfilled.

For the recognition procedure, it must be ensured that the alternative school permanently fulfills the requirements placed on public schools.