Apply for voluntary health insurance contributions for foster child/ren
Partnerschaft und Familie
If family insurance is not possible for a foster child and there is also no compulsory insurance, the Office of Social Services may cover reasonable contributions for voluntary health insurance.
Competent Department
- Amt für Soziale Dienste | Sozialzentrum 1 | Wirtschaftliche Jugendhilfe | Blumenthal, Vegesack, Burglesum
- Amt für Soziale Dienste | Sozialzentrum 2 | Wirtschaftliche Jugendhilfe | Mitte, Östliche Vorstadt, Findorff, Gröpelingen, Walle
- Amt für Soziale Dienste | Sozialzentrum 4 | Wirtschaftliche Jugendhilfe | Neustadt, Obervieland, Huchting, Woltmershausen, Seehausen, Strom
- Amt für Soziale Dienste, Sozialzentrum 5 | Wirtschaftliche Jugendhilfe | Vahr, Schwachhausen, Horn-Lehe, Oberneuland, Borgfeld, Hemelingen, Arbergen, Mahndorf, Hastedt, Sebaldsbrück, Osterholz, Blockdiek, Tenever
- Amt für Soziale Dienste | Fachdienst Flüchtlinge, Integration und Familien | Wirtschaftliche Jugendhilfe für unbegleitete minderjährige Ausländer*innen
- PiB- Pflegekinder in Bremen gemeinnützige GmbH
Basic information
Foster children must have health insurance. If no other health insurance coverage exists for a foster child, the Office of Social Services may cover reasonable contributions for voluntary health insurance.
Switching to voluntary health insurance is subject to deadlines, which the responsible health insurance company can advise on.
The Office for Social Services checks the individual requirements for the assumption of contributions. Eligible persons should first seek advice from the social center or specialized service of the Office for Social Services responsible for their district or from PiB - Pflegekinder im Bremen gemeinnützige GmbH before submitting an application.
What documents do I need?
- Proof of leaving compulsory insurance or end of family insurance
- Certificate of voluntary membership and contribution rates