Aptitude test for the recognition of the professional qualification as tax consultant
Schule, Ausbildung und Studium
Qualifying examination for recognition of professional qualification as a tax consultant
Basic information
The aptitude test is a special form of tax consultant examination for persons who wish to work as tax consultants in Germany on a business basis (i.e. independently) or use the title of "tax consultant" with a professional qualification which they have acquired in another European country or which has been recognized there. It is not possible to enter the profession in Germany solely on the basis of a completed domestic or foreign professional qualification (university degree or commercial training). In any case, a state examination (the tax consultant examination or the aptitude test) must be successfully completed beforehand. Admission to the aptitude test must be applied for in writing. The admission requirements are checked by the Hanseatic Chamber of Tax Consultants Bremen. An information sheet on the admission requirements is posted at http://www.stbkammer-bremen.de/zulassung-befreiung-eignungspruefung-verbindliche-auskunft.html.
- The application for admission to the qualifying examination must be made on an officially prescribed form and addressed to the Hanseatic Chamber of Tax Consultants Bremen if, at the time of application, the applicant is predominantly professionally active in Bremen or - if he does not exercise any activity - has his place of residence here or - if his place of residence is abroad - he intends to settle professionally in Bremen.
- The application form for admission to the qualifying examination is posted at http://www.stbkammer-bremen.de/zulassung-befreiung-eignungspruefung-verbindliche-auskunft.html and can be completed online. The documents can also be requested from the Hanseatic Chamber of Tax Consultants Bremen by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope (compact letter in DIN long format).