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Authority number 115

The Bremen Citizens' Helpline (Bürgertelefon Bremen) provides answers to the most frequently asked questions from public authorities via the telephone number 115. It does not matter which authority, administrative level or responsibility is involved. The time-consuming search for responsibilities and individual telephone numbers is no longer necessary. For example:

  • I have bought a new car, when is the registration office open?
  • Where can I apply for my new ID card?
  • How can I apply for BAföG?
  • Where can I obtain information from the population register?
  • How do I register a business?

Information on administrative matters

The Free Hanseatic City of Bremen offers a citizens' hotline to provide information on administrative matters via the standard Germany-wide public authority number 115.

Whether you have questions about registering, changing or deregistering, about fees or the documents you need, you can call 115 to get answers to these questions, regardless of which authority is ultimately responsible. There is no need to search for the right office or contact person.

The service centers of the federal, state and local governments are networked in such a way that citizens receive qualified information quickly.

115 service promise

115 is your contact to the administration - no matter where you are and what question you have.

You can reach the Bremen Citizens' Helpline quickly and reliably, Monday to Friday from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. at 115 or (0421) 361-0.

Your matter will be dealt with at the first contact. If this is not possible, we will forward it for processing.