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  • Dienstleistungen
  • Confirm delivery capability for a purchase order in the context of public procurements in the supplier cockpit

Confirm delivery capability for a purchase order in the context of public procurements in the supplier cockpit

If you as a supplier want to send the purchaser information about the delivery and service provision, you can set different statuses in the supplier cockpit.

If you, as a supplier, would like to provide the purchaser with information on delivery and service provision, you can do so via the supplier cockpit.

In the supplier cockpit, you have the option of setting different statuses. You can view all details about the purchase order directly in the Supplier Cockpit. Different statuses appear in the Supplier Cockpit that require an action from you. The order status "Processing required" or the delivery status "Confirm shipment" or "Delivery has been shipped" may appear. You can then set the status "Order deliverable" or "Delivery has been shipped" in the supplier cockpit. Optionally, you can send a delivery notification as a PDF to the purchaser. You can also receive status feedback from the purchaser in the supplier cockpit.


  • You must have a valid framework agreement with the public administration.
  • To use the Supplier Cockpit, your company must have an account in the "Unified Business Account".
  • To use the Supplier Cockpit, you need an ELSTER organization certificate.