Data transfers to public bodies pursuant to §§ 34 ff. Federal Registration Act (BMG)
Recht und Verbraucherschutz
As a public body, do you need reporting data? You can retrieve this information nationwide from the central office of your federal state.
Basic information
The new provisions of Section 34 of the German Federal Data Protection Act (BMG) from 01.05.2022 stipulate that data transmission to other public bodies must always be carried out by the registration authority holding the data ready for subsequent automated retrieval. Data may only be transmitted in written form in exceptional cases.
For public agencies in the state and city of Bremen, the Bremen information portal ("Landesmelderegister" - OLMERA) is intended for nationwide automated retrieval (see "Online Service" on the right).
Registration for the Bremen State Register of Residents must be applied for at the Senator for the Interior, Department 21 ("Citizenship and Regulatory Law").
Public offices in other federal states must contact the respective central office responsible for their federal state. An overview of the central offices of the federal states can be downloaded on the right under "Where can I find out more?
According to Section 34 (2) Sentence 5 BMG, written data transmissions are only to be issued if data transmission by means of automated retrieval is not available (e.g., due to a technical malfunction at the State Register of Residents), is not permissible (e.g., due to an information block (ASP)), or is not possible (e.g., due to a technical malfunction at the State Register of Residents). (e.g., due to an information block (ASP) pursuant to Section 51 BMG or a blocking notice (SPV) pursuant to Section 52 BMG) or would be available and permissible, but the receiving agency asserts special circumstances to deviate from data transmission by means of automated retrieval.