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  • Dienstleistungen
  • Follow-up care after the end of full-time care for foster children

Follow-up care after the end of full-time care for foster children

When a full-time foster care ends, the foster child can still be accompanied as a young adult.

If a foster relationship ends, follow-up or transitional care can take place for young adults. This can also be provided by the previous foster carers. Agreements on this are made in the assistance planning.

When a foster child leaves a foster relationship, this is referred to as a "leaving care process". In Bremen, this process is accompanied by a specialist from PiB - Pflegekinder in Bremen gemeinnützigen GmbH.

The goals of the aftercare process are, for example, the foster child's independence after reaching the age of majority or the success of a change to another form of youth welfare. It can also be a matter of enabling the return to the family of origin or accompanying an adoption.

The professionals at PiB - Pflegekinder in Bremen gemeinnützigen GmbH accompany the foster children and the foster carers through reflective follow-up discussions, among other things.

The counseling should take place within a reasonable period of time after the end of the assistance in a form that is understandable, comprehensible and perceptible to the young adults.