Land registry - change of name in the land register
Bauen und Wohnen
Bauen und Immobilien
If your name has changed, e.g. due to a marriage, you can have the entry in the land register corrected accordingly.
Basic information
If the name changes, this can be notified to the land registry, enclosing appropriate proof, and an application can be made to correct the name entered in the land register.
The change of name must be proven to the land registry by means of a public or publicly certified document. A simple copy is not sufficient.
What documents do I need?
- Proof of name change
It is either
- a certificate from the registry office confirming the name change or
- a certified extract from the family register must be submitted.
The original or a certified copy is required.
The documents can be returned to you afterwards.
Simple copies are not sufficient. A copy of the identity card is also not sufficient.
- Request for name change
The request must be made in writing. An e-mail does not comply with the written form.
You can use the form under "Forms".