Report employment of domestic help and other household-related services on a mini-job basis
Partnerschaft und Familie
Bauen und Wohnen
Arbeitgeber sein
If you employ domestic help on a mini-job basis, you must register them using the household cheque procedure.
Basic information
The household cheque procedure is a simplified registration and contribution procedure for social insurance for private households. You use the household check to register a domestic help on a mini-job basis. You can also use the household check to make changes to the employment relationship or to deregister.
Mini-jobs in private households are a special form of marginal employment. They are particularly subsidized by the state through low social security contributions, a flat-rate wage tax and a tax reduction.
With the household check, the employer reports the essential data on employment in the private household. On this basis, the mini-job center calculates the social security contributions, levies and taxes. It collects these contributions from your account every six months by direct debit.
The mini-job center takes over
- Registration for statutory accident insurance,
- Collection of accident insurance contributions,
- payment of flat-rate tax to the tax authorities.
Family members as domestic help:
- A close relative can also take on a mini-job with you as a domestic help, which you must register with the mini-job center. The employment contract must not be a sham. In addition, the job must not be a family-type job.
- A paid employment relationship between a married couple is generally not possible. This also applies to children who help in their parents' household as long as they live there and are cared for by their parents.
Half-yearly check:
- If you pay your domestic help a different amount each month instead of a constant fixed amount, you would legally have to submit a new household check each time.
- To relieve yourself of this bureaucratic obligation, you can use a half-yearly check. The form covers a period of half a calendar year. You simply enter the relevant months and certify the changing earnings.
- If you already indicate on the normal household check when you register that the pay you receive fluctuates each month, you will automatically receive a six-month check from the Minijob-Zentrale.
Change check:
- With the change check, you inform the Minijob-Zentrale if, for example, the amount of your domestic help's earnings, your bank details or a contact address has changed.
Notifications and certificates:
- At the beginning and end of employment and at the end of the year, the mini-job center reports the individual data of each employed person resulting from the household check procedure to the data office of the pension insurance institutions.
- The domestic help receives written notification of this. The mini-job center also transmits the data on the private household to the accident insurance fund.
- You will receive from the mini-job center:
- before the respective due date, a notification of the amount of contributions to be collected for the corresponding contribution period and
- after the end of a calendar year, a certificate for the tax office with the following details:
- the period for which pension insurance contributions were paid and
- the amount of wages paid in the previous year and the taxes due on them.
Budget check calculator:
- You can easily determine the amount of contributions to the mini-job center and the reduction in income tax with the household check calculator.
If the person employed opts for full pension insurance, a proportion of their wages is also paid to the mini-job center.
- You comply with the remuneration limit for marginal part-time employees.
- You are a private household and
- it is household-related work that is normally carried out by members of the household:
- cooking
- cleaning,
- washing clothes,
- ironing,
- shopping,
- gardening,
- looking after children, senior citizens, sick people, people in need of care and people with disabilities.
- You do not use the household cheque to commission any tradesmen's work such as bricklaying or roofing work.
What documents do I need?
- Budget check