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Request deferral from school attendance

How can I defer my child from school? Find out about the options and compulsory schooling here.

Children who turn 6 by June 30 of a given year become compulsory school age on August 1 of that year. Children who are required to attend school can only be deferred for 1 year for "significant health reasons". The decision is made by the subject supervisor on the basis of a school medical report.

The legal guardians first receive a notification of school enrollment from the authority. All children must be registered at the appropriate elementary school.

Your school-age child may be deferred for 1 year if, based on his or her developmental level, it is expected that he or she will not be able to successfully participate in the first school year of the elementary school or a special school. He/she may be required to attend a school kindergarten if such a facility exists in the school board's area. The decision to enroll or defer your child in school is made by the school administration after consultation with you as the parent or guardian.


Children who turn 6 by June 30 of a given year will be required to attend school on August 1 of that year. Children who are required to attend school can only be deferred for 1 year for "significant health reasons." The decision is made by the subject supervisor on the basis of a school doctor's recommendation.

Children who turn 6 years of age between July 1 and September 30 of a given year may apply to be made compulsory to attend school. The parent or guardian must submit this application by the enrollment deadline. A school doctor's recommendation will be used to determine if this is good for the child. It may be decided that the child will be deferred for another 1 year.

Children who turn 6 in the period from October 1 of one year to January 31 of the following year can also apply to become school-age. A school doctor's recommendation is used to determine whether this is good for the child. It is checked whether the child's linguistic, cognitive and social abilities will not be overtaxed by the lessons and the rest of school life.