Request exemption/exceptions from compulsory education
Schule, Ausbildung und Studium
Partnerschaft und Familie
Under certain circumstances, a student's compulsory school attendance at a general/vocational school in the state of Bremen can be suspended or the student can be exempted from compulsory school attendance. An application must be submitted for this purpose.
Basic information
In Bremen, pupils are obliged to attend school for 12 years.
However, compulsory schooling can also end prematurely if at least one year of vocational training has been successfully completed. Compulsory schooling ends at the latest at the end of the school year in which the 18th birthday is reached. This means that if a student turns 18 in the current school year, he or she is obliged to attend school until the end of the current school year.
When can I apply for suspension of compulsory education (§ 56 BremSchulG)?
- When attending a recognized supplementary school
- When participating in the Federal Volunteer Service
- When participating in a voluntary social or ecological year
- If attendance at school endangers the care of the child of the person subject to compulsory school attendance.
Note: Suspension of compulsory school attendance due to a ban on employment under the Maternity Protection Act does not have to be applied for, but only reported to the school accordingly with a doctor's certificate and birth certificate.
In special exceptional cases, an exemption from compulsory school attendance (§ 57 BremSchulG) can be applied for.
Who makes the application and where does it have to be made?
For students who are not of age, the application must be submitted by the legal guardians/guardians to the Senator for Children and Education. Pupils who have reached the age of majority can submit the application themselves.
What proof is required?
For items 1-3, only a certificate from the "Träger" is required.
For point 4, it must be proven that care for the child is not guaranteed if the student would attend school. It must be proven that even outside care, e.g. by family members, a crèche or a childminder, is not possible, or that the child's development would be endangered as a result. In the case of applications for suspension of compulsory schooling in special exceptional cases, appropriate proof must be submitted.
Does the time count towards the duration of compulsory schooling?
The time during which compulsory education is suspended is counted towards the duration of compulsory education. The voluntary social/ecological year and the federal voluntary service will not be counted upon the student's request.
Important Notice:
If the reason for exemption from compulsory schooling ceases to apply, compulsory schooling immediately revives, unless it has already been fulfilled at that time. The student must immediately register for an educational program at a school. You can obtain the relevant information and advice from the Central Advisory Service for Vocational Education and Training (ZBB) at the Youth Employment Agency.
- When attending a recognized supplementary school.
- When participating in the Federal Volunteer Service.
- When participating in a voluntary social or ecological year.
- If the care of the child of the person subject to compulsory school attendance is endangered.
A suspension of compulsory school attendance due to the prohibition of employment according to the Maternity Protection Act does not have to be applied for, but only reported to the school accordingly with a certificate from the doctor and a birth certificate. In exceptional cases, an exemption from compulsory school attendance (§ 57 BremSchulG) can be applied for.
What documents do I need?
- Request for suspension of compulsory education
- Evidence for the reason for rest