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Residence permit for employment and self-employment

You would like to enter into an employment relationship in Germany, i.e. take up employment or become self-employed here and have not lived in Germany up to now.
You can find the most important information here:

The immigration of foreigners to Germany in order to work here, i.e. to take up employment or become self-employed here, is only permitted if you have previously successfully applied for a visa for employment or self-employment at the German mission abroad in your country of origin (see under "i Where can I find out more?").

If you enter Germany to look for employment or to start a business without the required visa, you will have to leave the country again in order to apply for a visa in your country of origin.

These regulations do not apply to nationals of EU member states, Liechtenstein, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. They can come to Germany for employment or self-employment without first applying for a visa.

Exemptions also exist for the following countries:
Australia, Israel, Japan, Canada, New Zealand, USA, Republic of Korea.

Nationals of these countries can apply for a residence permit for the purpose of employment or self-employment in Germany.

The employment or business must secure your livelihood in Germany.

Visas for employment or self-employment in Germany are only issued for certain professions or economic sectors.

The description of the requirements for employment or self-employment in Germany is not exhaustive. Information on applying for and obtaining visas for employment can be obtained from the German missions abroad in your country of origin, which will decide on your application (see "i Where can I find out more?").

The Migration Office is not involved in the visa procedure and therefore cannot provide any information on the procedure!

What documents do I need?

  • completed application form
  • 1 biometric passport photo (not older than 3 months)

    According to Bundesdruckerei's photo sample board:

  • valid passport
  • Health insurance certificate
  • University certificate
    • If you are in possession of a residence permit to study (§16b AufenthG) or
    • are employees* of a Bremen university or its scientific institutions
  • Employment contract
    • If you are in possession of a residence permit to study (§16b AufenthG) or
    • are employees* of a Bremen university or its scientific institutions