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State-recognized social worker or social education worker

Would you like to obtain state recognition as a social pedagogue or social worker? Then you need to contact the Senatorial Authority for Children and Education Department 31 in Bremen.

The profession of social pedagogue or social worker is regulated in Germany. This means that you need state recognition in order to work in all fields of social work.

In Bremen, state recognition is granted by the Senatorial Authority for Children and Education - Department 31 - if you are a graduate of the Social Work course at Bremen University of Applied Sciences or Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences or APOLLON Hochschule für Gesundheitswirtschaft GmbH and you have proven your professional aptitude in a one-year internship or have provided proof of practical work experience.

State recognition is granted after passing a colloquium. Admission to the colloquium is granted on application once all the necessary evidence has been provided.


You are a graduate of the Social Work degree program at Bremen University of Applied Sciences or Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences or APOLLON Hochschule für Gesundheitswirtschaft GmbH and you have successfully completed the one-year internship or have provided proof of one year of practical work experience in accordance with the examination.

Personal suitability: You are reliable for work as a social pedagogue or social worker and have no criminal record.

What documents do I need?

  • Bachelor certificate
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Practice location notification

    2 months before the start of the internship

  • Positive interim and final assessment of the practice facility
  • Alternatively: Application for professional activities to be credited towards the internship

    Employment contract and reference letter must be enclosed.

  • Application for admission to the colloquium
  • Extended police clearance certificate

    As proof of your personal suitability.

  • Colloquium report