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Exemption for press activities

Journalists are often compulsorily dependent on the use of a motor vehicle for the journey to the scene of the crime to fulfil their tasks.

  • Due to the parking pressure, especially in inner-city areas, there is often no parking space available for these needs.
  • In this case, an exemption to parking can be granted for certain journalistic tasks within the framework of § 46 Para. 1 of the Road Traffic Act.
  • These are, in particular, dates which cannot be planned in concrete terms, which occur repeatedly and certainly require corresponding parking.
  • Their use is to be limited to urgent cases in which rapid access by the press to the location of the event is required and it is unreasonable to make use of other parking facilities due to the urgency.


Required documents at a glance - For new applications and extensions

  • copy of the vehicle registration document
  • Confirmation of use by the vehicle owner
  • Valid press card
  • Proof of activity in the regional area