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Anzeige der Beendigung, Änderung persönlicher Daten der Tätigkeit als psychosoziale Prozessbegleitung

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Your request will be reviewed by the responsible office and you will receive notification of the outcome of the review.

If any documents or information are required, you will be asked to provide them.

Legal bases

More information

According to § 6 Para. 1 BremAGPsychPbG, you are obliged to inform the Senator for Justice and Constitution as the responsible body if a prerequisite for recognition no longer exists.

According to §1 BremAGPsychPbG, these prerequisites for recognition are:

  1. the qualifications specified in § 3 of the Law on Psychosocial Assistance in Criminal Proceedings,
  2. practical professional experience of at least two years in one of the areas mentioned in § 3, paragraph 2, sentence 1, number 1 of the Law on Psychosocial Assistance in Criminal Proceedings, and
  3. the required personal reliability.