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Apply for BAföG for a school visit


If you would like to apply for BAföG for your school education online:

  • Register with BAföG Digital and create a "simple" user account.
  • Fill in the form data fields online using the application wizard and send your data electronically to the relevant office.
  • As an alternative to creating a user account at BAföG Digital, you can also register using the online ID function of your ID card.

If you would like to submit the application in paper form:

  • Go to the BAföG website and download the application forms that concern you. Alternatively, you can also pick up the applications at your responsible municipal office for educational support.
  • You can fill out the forms on the computer and print them out, or print them out and fill them out by hand. You must fill in your name at the end of the application form.
  • Attach the necessary supporting documents.
  • Send the completed application forms with the supporting documents directly to your local Office of Student Financial Aid.

The Office for Educational Support will check the documents for completeness. If documents are missing, they will be requested. If the application is complete, it will be checked and the decision will be communicated by notice.

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More information

Notes for interns:

BAföG can only support internships that you complete while you are in a training program that is eligible for support under BAföG.

Only compulsory internships are eligible for funding. These are internships that are prescribed by your training plan, i.e. that you have to do in order to complete or carry out the training. Compulsory internships that are completed outside the EU are only eligible for funding if they last at least 12 weeks. Compulsory internships within EU member states can also be funded if they are shorter than 12 weeks.

General notes:

False or incomplete information or failure to report changes may be prosecuted or punished as an administrative offense with a fine. Any amounts incorrectly paid may be recovered.

You must immediately notify the Office of Education and Training in writing of any change in your economic situation or family and educational circumstances. This includes, for example, if your income changes, if you change, discontinue or terminate your education, or if your siblings do so.

If the preconditions are met, the information provided on your income or assets can be checked by comparing data at the relevant offices.