Apply for early repayment of the BAföG loan
Schule, Ausbildung und Studium
You can apply for early repayment after you have already started repaying your BAföG loan in installments in writing or online.
- Submit an informal application to the Federal Office of Administration (BVA). This is also possible online. In it, you must state when and how much you want to repay early.
- You can also repay only a partial amount early, but then you will receive a smaller discount. For this, you must want to repay at least an amount of EUR 500.00, the actual payment amount is reduced by the discount.
- After the application has been reviewed by the BVA, you will receive a notice with your amount to be paid early and the discount.
- You are free to decide whether to accept this offer.
- If you accept the offer, transfer the payment amount within the deadline stated in the notice.
- Note: The date the money is received in the account at the Federal Cashier's Office-Hall will determine whether the deadline has been met.
If you have not yet started paying off your BAföG loan in installments:
- Approximately 4.5 years after the end of the standard period of study, you will receive the so-called "Determination and Repayment Notice" from the Federal Office of Administration.
- The notice contains an offer for early repayment of the BAföG loan with the largest possible discount.
- You are free to decide whether to accept this offer or to start paying the installments according to the repayment plan.
- If you wish to accept the offer, you must transfer the amount of money stated in the notice to the account of the Bundeskasse Halle (BUKA) in due time.
- You can also repay only a partial amount early, but then you will receive a smaller discount. For this, you must want to repay at least an amount of 500.00 EUR, the actual payment amount is reduced by the discount.
- In this case, submit an informal application to the Federal Office of Administration (BVA). This is also possible online. In it, you must state when and how much you want to repay early.
- After the BVA has reviewed the application, you will receive a notice with your amount to be paid early and the discount.
- You are free to decide whether to accept this offer.
- If you accept the offer, you will transfer the payment amount within the period stated in the notice.
Note: If you still make repayments on these installments during the period of exemption from repayment granted to you by the BVA because of low income, you will not receive a discount on these installments.
Legal bases
- § 18 Absatz 10 Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz (BAföG)
- § 6 der Darlehensverordnung (DarlehensV)
- Anlage zu § 6 der Darlehensverordnung
More information
You are not obligated to make early repayment.