Apply for general parking facilitation for people with disabilities, characteristics aG or Bl (blue parking permit)
Mobilität und Fahrzeuge
Gesundheit und Vorsorge
Ausweise und Dokumente
In order to make it easier for severely handicapped persons to park in specially marked areas, parking facilitation can be applied for.
Basic information
Severely disabled people with disabilities with the characteristics
- aG (exceptionally disabled) or
- Bl (blind)
can apply for parking permits that entitle them to park in specially marked parking spaces, provided there is no other parking option within a reasonable distance.
This includes the following parking spaces:
- Parking spaces with an additional sign "wheelchair user symbol" (so-called disabled parking spaces),
- Restricted stopping ban (up to three hours, the arrival time must be shown on a parking disk),
- No parking zones (beyond the permitted parking time),
- time-limited parking spaces (beyond the permitted time),
- pedestrian areas where loading and unloading is permitted for specific times (during loading times),
- in parking lots for residents (up to three hours),
- in places with parking meters and parking ticket machines without charge and time limit,
- in designated traffic-calmed areas outside the marked areas without obstructing through traffic.
- Existence of a severe disability (exceptional walking disability (mark aG), bilateral amelia or phocomelia or with comparable functional limitations as well as blind people (mark Bl))
What documents do I need?
- Severely disabled pass with front and back
- Passport photo (except for children under 6 years)
- If necessary, proof of official guardianship from the local court