Apply for parking facilitation for people with disabilities, features G and B (orange parking permit)
Mobilität und Fahrzeuge
Gesundheit und Vorsorge
Severely disabled people with disabilities with the characteristics G and B can apply for special parking permits.
Basic information
Holders of the exemption permit have the following authorizations (provided there is no other parking option within a reasonable distance):
- Parking for up to three hours: in places where the restricted stopping ban is in place (the arrival time must be shown on a parking disk)
- Exceeding the permitted parking time: in the area of a no-parking zone
- Parking beyond the permitted time: in places where parking is permitted, but where a parking time limit is imposed by an additional sign
- Parking during loading times: in pedestrian areas where loading and unloading is permitted for certain times
- Parking for up to three hours: in parking spaces for residents
- Parking without charge and time limit: at parking meters and parking ticket machines
- Parking in designated traffic-calmed areas: outside the marked parking spaces - provided that other traffic (in particular moving traffic) is not disproportionately affected
The maximum permitted parking time of 24 hours may not be exceeded.
- Severe disability with the G and B signs and a degree of disability (GdB) of at least 80 solely for functional disorders of the lower limbs (and the lumbar spine, insofar as these affect the ability to walk)
- Severe disability with the G and B signs and a GdB of at least 70 for functional disorders of the lower limbs alone (and the lumbar spine, insofar as these affect the ability to walk) and at the same time a GdB of at least 50 for functional disorders of the heart or respiratory organs
- Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis and the GdB determined for this is at least 60
- Artificial bowel outlet and at the same time an artificial urinary diversion and the GdB determined for this is at least 70
Note: The decisive factor is the individual GdB for the respective functional impairment and not the total GdB that may result from the sum of the individual functional impairments.
What documents do I need?
- Severely disabled pass
- Certificate for special groups (to be requested from the Office for Care and Integration, Doventorscontrescarpe 172D, 28195 Bremen)
- completed application form
- Passport photo (except for children under 6 years)