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Apply for reduction of Kita costs

You can no longer pay the parental contribution for your child? Do you receive social benefits? Check whether either a reduction or a waiver of the costs is possible for you.

The parental contribution is an annual fee that should be set before the beginning of the current kindergarten year in a legally secure way for the parents.

If their income or personal situation changes significantly during the current daycare year, they can apply for a recalculation of the parental contribution.

This can be the case, for example, due to the loss of a job, birth of a child or separation.

The amount of the financial burden is calculated according to your income.

Upon request, the costs can be reduced or waived.


  • Your child attends a daycare center.
  • The financial burden is not reasonable for you and the child.

What documents do I need?

  • Proof of income

    Of all persons of the household belonging to the income community (mostly the parents).

  • If applicable: evidence of public services
  • If applicable: Bremen passport
  • If applicable: contribution notice for sibling children