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Apply for state recognition as a curative education nurse

Would you like to obtain state recognition as a curative education nurse after passing the state examination for curative education nurses at a vocational school for curative education nursing in the state of Bremen? Then you need to contact the Senatorial Authority for Children and Education - Department 31 in Bremen.

The profession of curative education nurse is regulated in Germany. This means that you must have a certain qualification in order to be allowed to work in the profession. If you have completed a vocational school for curative education nursing in Bremen with the state examination and have successfully completed the professional internship, you can work in this profession nationwide with state recognition.

To do this, you must submit an application with all the necessary documents to the relevant state authority.

In Bremen, state recognition is granted by the Senatorial Authority for Children and Education - Department 31, provided that you have attended a vocational school for curative education in the state of Bremen and have demonstrated your professional aptitude in a one-year internship.

State recognition is granted after passing a colloquium. Admission to the colloquium is granted on application once all the necessary evidence has been provided.


You have passed the state examination at a vocational school for curative education in Bremen and then successfully completed the professional internship.

You have a current extended police clearance certificate without entry.

What documents do I need?

  • Documents for the recognition of Heilerziehungspfleger:in
    • Documents for the internship (recognition year):
      • Registration for the internship (at least 2 months before the start)
      • Graduation certificate from the vocational school
      • curriculum vitae
      • employment contract
      • Training plan (6-8 weeks after the start)
      • Interim assessment (halfway through the internship)
      • Final assessment (at the end of the internship)
      • Application for admission to the colloquium
      • Extended police clearance certificate
      • practical report
    • or: Documents to be submitted if professional activities are to be credited to the professional internship in accordance with § 8 of the regulations for state recognition of curative education nurses:
      • Application form for crediting professional activities to the professional internship in accordance with § 8 (2) 1.,2. or 3. of the AO. The application is submitted with the complete documents after the period of completed professional activity.
      • Graduation certificate from the technical college
      • curriculum vitae
      • employment contract
      • differentiated assessment/work certificate
      • Possibly proof of further training/specialist events
      • Supporting statement from the technical college, if applicable
      • Possibly confirmation of practical experience from the employer
      • Once the decision has been issued, the procedure for admission to the colloquium follows.
      • Application for admission to the colloquium
      • Extended police clearance certificate
      • practical report