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Apply for state recognition as a curative education nurse


With recognition year

If you would like to complete the professional internship (so-called "recognition year"), please send your registration for the professional internship to the Senatorial Authority for Children and Education - Department 31 at least 2 months before the start of the internship. You will then receive unsolicited notification of the dates of the events accompanying your internship.

After an interim assessment is submitted to the Senatorische Behörde für Kinder und Bildung - Referat 31 halfway through the year of recognition, in which it is predicted that you will pass the internship, you will then receive the application for admission to the colloquium. If you have successfully completed the internship and passed the colloquium, you will receive state recognition.

Recognition of professional activity

If you would like to have your professional activity recognized as part of your internship, please contact the Senatorial Authority for Children and Education - Department 31. You will then receive the relevant application forms and the further procedure will be discussed with you individually.

After you have received notification that your professional activity has been credited towards the professional internship, you will then receive the application for admission to the colloquium. If your professional activity is credited towards the internship and you have passed the colloquium, you will receive state recognition

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