Applying for a driving licence/issuing the first one
Mobilität und Fahrzeuge
- Application to the driving license authority (usually carried out by the driving school)
- Examination of the documents by the authority
- Obtaining of register information (central traffic register), zT certificate of good conduct
- Issuance of a test order to the TÜV (Technical Inspection Agency)
- Issuance of the driving license by handing out the driving license (in the context of the practical examination by the TÜV), exceptions are possible
Theoretical examination:
- basically to be taken in written form in German language
- if there is no sufficient reading or writing knowledge: Audio test
- if necessary with deaf interpreter
- Class B examination and the examination of the basic material only in the other classes (including Mofa) can also be taken in writing in the following foreign languages: English, French, Greek, High Arabic, Italian, Croatian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Turkish.
The TÜV returns test orders to the driving license authority if
- the theoretical test is not passed within twelve months of receipt of the test order,
- the practical test has not been passed within twelve months of passing the theoretical test, or
- in cases where no theoretical test is required, the practical test has not been passed within twelve months of receipt of the test order. An extension is not possible. A new application must be submitted.
Further information can be obtained from the driver licensing authority.
Legal bases
- §§ 2, 2a, 6a Straßenverkehrsgesetz (StVG)
- §§ 6-12, 15-19, 21-25 Fahrerlaubnis-Verordnung (FeV)
- Gebührenordnung für Maßnahmen im Straßenverkehr (GebOSt)
- Gesetz über die Grundqualifikation und die Weiterbildung der Fahrer bestimmter Kraftfahrzeuge für den Güter- oder Personenkraftverkehr (Berufskraftfahrerqualifikationsgesetz - BKrFQG)
More information
A driver's license is not required to drive the following motor vehicles, but a test certificate is required:
- Single-track, single-seat bicycles with an auxiliary motor up to 25 km/h (mopeds
- special seats for carrying children under the age of seven may be fitted).
- Electronic mobility aids as defined by the Mobility Aids Ordinance (MobHV).
Neither a driver's license nor a test certificate is required for the following vehicles:
- Motorized ambulances, single-seat motor vehicles designed for use by physically disabled persons with:
- electric drive,
- an unladen weight not exceeding 300 kg including batteries but without a driver,
- a maximum permissible mass not exceeding 500 kg,
- a maximum speed determined by the design not exceeding 15 km/h
- a width overall not exceeding 110 cm. - For older motorized ambulance vehicles with more than 10 km/h there are transitional provisions and special regulations (test certificate requirement).
- Tractors designed to be used for agricultural or forestry purposes, self-propelled working machines, forklifts and other industrial trucks, each with a maximum speed determined by their design of no more than 6 km/h, as well as single-axle tractors and working machines guided by pedestrians on bars.
Whoever performs journeys for commercial purposes (this also includes works transport and transport assistance activities) on public roads with the following motor vehicles::
- Vehicles with a maximum permissible mass greater than 3.5 tons (driving license class C1, C1E, C, CE),
- vehicles with more than 8 passenger seats in passenger transport (driving license of classes D1, D1E, D, DE)
must, if the classes
- D1, D1E, D, DE from 10.9.08 and the classes
- C1, C1E, C, CE have been acquired as of 10.09.09,
prove the basic qualification according to the Professional Driver Qualification Act (BKrFQG) and the Professional Driver Qualification Ordinance and have it entered in the driver's license by the code number 95. Details can be obtained from the Chamber of Commerce.
Examination in foreign languages
The theoretical examination must always be taken in German. It is based on questions. For applicants who cannot read or write sufficiently, there is the possibility of being tested orally in German, if necessary with audio support. If the applicant refuses this, the examination will take place in writing. The oral examination must correspond to the written examination in terms of content and scope. A deaf interpreter must be allowed for the examination of deaf persons. The examination of class B and the examination of only the basic material in the other classes (including moped) may also be taken in writing in the following foreign languages:
English, French, Greek, High Arabic, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbo-Croatian, Spanish and Turkish.