Applying for support in working life as an employer
Finanzierung und Förderung
Arbeitgeber sein
As a company, you can receive subsidies or advice on how to maintain or create jobs and training positions for severely disabled people.
Basic information
As a company, do you need support to maintain the jobs of employees with severe disabilities or equivalent status or to create new jobs or training positions?
You can apply for the following benefits:
- Compensation for extraordinary burdens for companies (employment protection subsidy or personnel support)
- Disability-friendly furnishing or equipping of work and training places and the working environment
- Investments to create a new job or training position
- Premiums and subsidies for the costs of vocational training
- Other measures for disability-friendly employment, such as qualification measures.
The responsible body determines the scope of support individually and depending on the service required.
The actual amount of support depends on the circumstances of the individual case.
The person for whom you are applying for benefits must be employed by you in an employment relationship subject to social insurance contributions or in a civil servant relationship of at least 15 hours/week.
The person for whom you are applying for benefits must be severely disabled or equivalent within the meaning of SGB IX.
What documents do I need?
- Determination notice from the pension administration about the recognized disability of the person for whom benefits are being applied for
(can be submitted directly by the person to the Integration Office for reasons of data protection)
- Severely disabled person's pass or notice of equality from the person for whom benefits are being applied for
- Proof of the existing employment relationship or civil servant relationship
(employment contract, certificate of appointment)
- Cost estimates of the intended measures, if applicable
(a total of 3 comparative offers with costs from € 5,000)
- Description of the problem/description of requirements