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Business Central Register Information

Information from the Central Trade Register (GZR) can be requested from the Trade Registration Office. The answer will be sent by the Federal Office of Justice directly to the specified recipient(s).

An extract from the Central Commercial Register (GZR) is a "certificate of good conduct under trade law" that shows whether a legal entity or an individual has ever violated regulations under trade law. The extract is required for checking personal reliability before a trade requiring a permit (e.g. restaurant business or brokerage activity) is approved.

The information from the central business register is issued by the Federal Office of Justice in Bonn.

The information can be applied for by any natural person. The applicant cannot be represented.

Information from the commercial central register can also be applied for by a legal entity. The application must be submitted by the legal representative of the company.

Since September 1, 2014, certificates of good conduct and information from the commercial central register can also be applied for online at the Federal Office of Justice. This requires an electronic ID card with the online ID function activated and a card reader.

Further information about the Federal Office of Justice can be found at .


This is a service under municipal responsibility. Therefore, you can only go to an office located at your place of residence or, in the case of legal entities, at the corresponding place of entry in the Commercial Register.

What documents do I need?

  • Identity card or passport
  • Certificate of nationality

    for non-German nationals (passport and, if applicable, residence permit)

  • Extract from the commercial register

    if the applicant is a legal person

  • Intended use

    where appropriate, the address of the authority to which the extract is addressed