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Business directory assistance

Simple information from the local trade register regarding the name, business address and reported activity of a trader(s) can be obtained online or requested from the Senator for Economics, Ports and Transformation - Trade Registration Office.

The Senator for Economics, Labor and Europe is the authority responsible for trade information pursuant to Section 14 (5) sentence 2 of the Trade, Commerce and Industry Regulation Act.

Simple information on the name, business address and reported activity of the respective trade can be obtained online at

It is also possible to make a request in person or in writing to the Senator for Economics, Ports and Transformation. For information on further data from the trade register, proof of a legal interest is required in accordance with Section 14 of the Trade, Commerce and Industry Regulation Act, and registration is required for online retrieval. Extended trade information can be provided on the following data:

  • Commercial register entry
  • Registration and deregistration date
  • Names and private addresses of the management
  • Former company address, former managing directors


Only in the case of an extended commercial report is proof of a legal interest required.
Registration is also required for an extended commercial report as an eDisclosure .

What documents do I need?

  • For extended commercial reports

    proof of legitimate interest (e.g. in the case of claims) and registration is required for e-information.