eID card application
Ausweise und Dokumente
The eID card is a document that provides the online ID function for people who are not entitled to be issued with an ID card or residence permit with online ID function.
Basic information
With the eID card, it is possible to identify yourself securely on the Internet via an eID client, such as the AusweisApp provided by the federal government, or at citizen terminals. Similar to online shopping or banking, it can be used to quickly and easily complete administrative procedures and numerous other services.
Basic functions:
- electronic proof of identity
- Electronic signature
- Only suitable as electronic proof of identity and not as an identity document or travel document
- In order to use the online ID function, a card reader and an eID client, such as the AusweisApp, are required
- eID cards can only be obtained by persons who are either EU citizens or citizens of another state of the European Economic Area (EEA). Exception: German citizens cannot obtain an eID card. However, the eID function has already been included in every German identity card since 2010.
- The person applying for the card must have reached the age of 16.