Funeral allowance for war victims or persons entitled under the Federal Pensions Act (BVG)
Sterbefall und Nachlass
Notlagen und Opferhilfen
Funeral allowance is granted in the event of the death of a war victim (and beneficiaries under other laws that declare the BVG applicable).
Basic information
Funeral allowance is an allowance for the costs of the funeral. Usually, the money is paid to the person who paid for the funeral or to a roommate of the deceased (for example, the spouse or children).
A claim under the BVG (Federal Pension Act) is only based on persons from the 1st and 2nd World War:
- injured soldiers
- Widows and orphans of the fallen
- Victims of war among the civilian population
Exclusion: Soldiers' Pensions Act: Soldiers' Pensions - Responsibility in Düsseldorf, at the Federal Office for Personnel Management of the Bundeswehr - Care for the Damaged - Wilhelm-Raabe-Straße 46, 40470 Düsseldorf
Exclusion: NVA (National People's Army)': Responsibility in Wilhelmshaven, at the Unfallkasse Bund und Bahn, Weserstraße 47, 26382 Wilhelmshaven