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  • Dienstleistungen
  • GiB Gemeinsam in Bremen - Inter-agency coordination for voluntary work in the refugee sector

GiB Gemeinsam in Bremen - Inter-agency coordination for voluntary work in the refugee sector


Contact search by mail or telephone to the responsible coordinator. If you cannot be reached by phone, the contact request is guaranteed by an answering machine and a direct call back will take place. After the first contact has been established, it may be possible to arrange a meeting to discuss the possibility of an assignment.

More information

Competent authorities:

Coordinator for Bremen-Mitte

Laura Jacobs; e-mail: ; Tel. 0157 809 23133

Includes the areas:

Hastedt; Mitte; Oberneuland; Eastern suburb; Schwachhausen

Coordinator for Bremen-South

Thomas Strothoff; Mail: ; Tel. 0157-809 23 134

Includes the areas: Huchting; Neustadt; Obervieland; Seehausen; Strom; Woltmershausen

Coordinator for Bremen-North

Susanne weidemann; e-mail: ; Tel. 0421-68804182

Includes the areas: Blumenthal; Burglesum; Vegesack

Coordinator for Bremen-East

Silvia Suchopar; mail: ; Tel. 0157-8092 3136

Includes the areas: Borgfeld; Hemelingen; Horn-Lehe; Osterholz; Uni; Vahr

Coordinator for Bremen-West

Leander Muskalla; mail: ; Tel. 0157-809 23 143

Includes the areas: Block country; Findorff; Gröpelingen; Oslebshausen; Overseas town; Walle

Overarching coordination
Lucyna Bogacki; e-mail: ; Tel. 0421-79 02 43
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