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  • Dienstleistungen
  • Information on contaminated sites and groundwater contamination

Information on contaminated sites and groundwater contamination

If you need information on whether there are findings on contaminated sites or harmful soil changes for a property or in order to be able to assess the possible contaminated site situation, contact the contaminated site information service of the soil protection authority.

Information on the contaminated site situation of the property in question is important for planning certainty with regard to investment decisions for commercial and private purchase or sale projects, for the valuation of properties or for planned construction projects. Against this background, the Department of Soil Protection at the Senator for Climate Protection, Environment, Mobility, Urban Development and Housing or the Environmental Protection Office at the Municipality of Bremerhaven provides information on contaminated sites, contaminated sites, harmful soil changes or contaminated groundwater for individual properties.


Information on contaminated sites is provided to every citizen in accordance with the Environmental Information Act.