Online - new registration of a vehicle
Mobilität und Fahrzeuge
Logistik und Transport
Please note that you can also use our online service for the desired service. You will find the link under "Further information" - Online service".
Basic information
With the 3rd stage of internet-based vehicle registration, it will be possible for private individuals to register a new vehicle online from 01.10.2019.
After a successful application, the registration authority issues the registration certificate part I + II as well as the seal sticker(s) on sticker carrier(s) and sends the registration documents to the applicant.
The sticker holder(s) must be affixed to the license plate(s) by the holder. Corresponding instructions are enclosed with the letter from the licensing authority.
In the event that the check of the Internet-based application reveals that one of the registration requirements is not met, the applicant will be informed of this on the screen and can correct it if necessary.
It is not possible to register a new vehicle online:
- if there is no registration certificate part II with a concealed security code for the vehicle (issued after 31.12.2017).
- if a registration is to be carried out using the multi-stage procedure.
- if a registration is to be carried out in connection with an expert opinion / technical modification
- if the technical vehicle data cannot be retrieved from the Federal Motor Transport Authority because it has not been stored in the database.
- if the vehicle comes from abroad or has already been registered there.
Reserve a license plate:
If you would like to have a preferred license plate, you must do this via the link to "Internet-based vehicle registration". You will find the link under "Further information" - Online service" - "Online vehicle registration - i-Kfz". This is the only way to generate the required PIN.
- Ownership of a brand-new or used vehicle that has not been previously registered.
- The applicant is a natural person and has a bank account for the collection of the vehicle tax
- payment of the fee via ePayment system
- Internet-based issuance of a SEPA mandate for the collection of the motor vehicle tax
a tax exemption/reduction according to §3a paragraph 1 or 2 KraftStG must be applied for separately afterwards at the customs authority - There must be no motor vehicle tax arrears with the main customs office or fee arrears
What documents do I need?
- Registration certificate part II (ZB II) with attached security code
- identity card (PA) / electronic residence permit (eAT) with activated online identification function or electronic proof of identity (eID card) for EU citizens and members of the European Economic Area
To read the PA or eAT, an external card reader or an Android smartphone with version 5.0 or higher and NFC interface or an IPhone 7 or higher with version iOS 13.1 or higher and the badge App2 is required.
- electronic insurance confirmation (eVB)