"order of attachment and recovery" or "order for attachment and transfer" by the enforcement authorities, such as the attachment of an account, attachment of wages or other attachment of receivables
Recht und Verbraucherschutz
Frequently asked Questions
My ec card was confiscated. The bank informed me that there was a garnishment.
The cash reference number as well as the tax number are important for the assignment of responsibility in the enforcement office. The bank communicates the cash reference number or the tax number.
Why was a garnishment issued?
If the cash reference number or the tax number is available, the employees of the enforcement authority can help in this matter. Objections to the reason for and the amount of tax arrears are the responsibility of the authority that ordered the enforcement. Such objections cannot be clarified in the enforcement authority.
The bank does not want to give me the cash reference number or the tax number.
Prior to the issuance of the "garnishment and collection order" or "garnishment and transfer order", the citizens must have received the notices to be enforced, demands for payment, reminders, enforcement notices or similar, which have already pointed out the consequences of non-payment of the duties specified therein (e.g. enforcement options). These letters have already indicated the claim, the amount of the claim, the due date and the contact persons. The cash reference numbers and the tax number are also stated there.
To which account should I transfer tax and non-tax receivables against me?
Please check your documents for current letters from the tax authorities. The account details of the responsible cash office are printed in the tax assessment notices, reminders, etc. Please always state the tax number or the cash reference number for the purpose of payment.
Do you have levy arrears in any of the following areas?
- Tax arrears:
Income tax, corporate income tax, trade tax, sales tax, real estate tax and property taxes, real estate transfer tax, inheritance tax, gift tax, racing betting and lottery tax, amusement tax, dog tax, tourism tax (city tax), second home tax, as well as the associated ancillary services such as fees, penalty payments, interest or surcharges for late payment (list not exhaustive). - Non-tax arrears:
Fees, contributions or fines from other authorities such as the "Ordnungsamt"/"Bürgeramt" , or court costs. The enforcement authority can also enforce levies from other municipalities, states or EU member states by way of administrative assistance. This also includes claims from Bremen's own enterprises (e.g. Umweltbetrieb Bremen, KiTA Bremen, Bremen Music School, Bremen City Library, Bremen Adult Education Center, Bremen Workshop), broadcasting fees (formerly "GEZ") and professional chamber fees.
- Tax arrears:
Is it possible to apply for the IdNr at the registration offices in Bremerhaven by proxy? If so, what is required?
Yes. The power of attorney and a copy of the principal's identification must be brought along. The proxy holder must also be able to identify himself.