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Request information from the custody register

Do you need information from the custody register? Find out more here.

The responsible youth welfare office keeps a custody register for children of unmarried parents. Entries are made in this custody register when:

  • declarations of custody are made.
  • Custody has been awarded jointly in whole or in part on the basis of a final court decision.
  • Custody has been wholly or partly withdrawn from the mother or transferred to the father on the basis of a final court decision.

A mother who is not married to the child's father can obtain a certificate stating that she is the holder of parental custody of her child and to what extent.

The mother must provide the following information about the child:

  • Date of birth of the child
  • Place of birth of the child
  • Name of the child at the time the birth was certified


  • If there are no entries, written information can be issued (so-called "negative certificate").
  • If necessary, the youth welfare office can also provide information on which entries exist.

What documents do I need?

  • Proof of identification

    Identity card or passport

    In the written procedure, a copy is sufficient.