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Token on a supplement to the severely disabled person's pass

Free public transport for severely disabled people.

Severely disabled persons who have a degree of disability (GdB) of at least 50 and have recognised a significant walking disability (G), an extraordinary walking disability (aG), helplessness (H), blindness (Bl) and/or deafness (Gl) as a signhnliche Gehbehinderung (aG), helplessness (H), blindness (Bl) and / or deafness (Gl), can get a supplementary sheet with token for free transportation in public transport. The mark "B" can be applied for in the initial or new application.


If the signs G, aG and/or Gl are recognised, the supplementary sheet with token is subject to a charge.

If the signs H and/or Bl are recognised, the supplementary sheet with token is free of charge.

If you are receiving the following benefits, the supplementary sheet with the token is also free of charge:

  • Assistance for subsistence according to Chapter III of the twelfth Social Code Book (SGB XII).
  • Basic income support according to Chapter IV of the Twelfth Social Code (SGB XII)
  • Receipt of benefits according to the Second Social Code (SGB II)

The receipt of the above-mentioned benefits is to be proven by means of a current notification from the paying agency.

The entitlement to take along an accompanying person when using public transport applies to severely disabled persons who, as a result of their disability, are regularly dependent on outside assistance to avoid danger to themselves or others. There is always a case-by-case examination!