Token on a supplement to the severely disabled person's pass
Gesundheit und Vorsorge
Ausweise und Dokumente
Free transportation for severely disabled people on local public transport.
Basic information
Severely disabled people who have a recognized degree of disability (GdB) of at least 50 and have recognized a significant walking disability (G), exceptional walking disability (aG), helplessness (H), blindness (Bl) and/or deafness (Gl) as a sign of disability can receive a supplementary sheet with a token for free local public transport. The "B" mark can also be applied for in the initial or new application.
If the signs G, aG and/or Gl are recognized, the supplementary sheet with token is subject to a charge.
If the H and/or Bl mark is recognized, the supplementary sheet with token is free of charge.
If you receive the following benefits, the supplementary sheet with token is also free of charge:
- Subsistence assistance in accordance with Chapter III of the twelfth Social Code (SGB XII)
- Basic income support in accordance with Chapter IV of the twelfth Social Code (SGB XII)
- Receipt of benefits in accordance with the Second Social Code (SGB II)
Proof of receipt of the above-mentioned benefits must be provided by means of a current notification from the office providing the benefits.
Persons with severe disabilities are entitled to take an accompanying person with them when using public transport if they are regularly dependent on assistance from others to avoid danger to themselves or others as a result of their disability. A case-by-case assessment is always carried out!