Training assistance in accordance with the Federal Training Assistance Act (BAföG) for training abroad
Schule, Ausbildung und Studium
According to the BAföG, training abroad can generally be funded if it is related to studies or school attendance in Germany. The Studierendenwerk in Bremen is responsible for processing applications from all over Germany for training in America - with the exception of the USA and Canada.
Basic information
The aim of training support under the Federal Act on Individual Support for Training (Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz - BAföG) is to give young people the opportunity to complete a school or university education that matches their abilities and interests, regardless of their social and economic situation.
Funding should be applied for in good time, at least six months before the start of training abroad.
Whether a course of study, school attendance or internship in South and Central America is eligible for BAföG funding can only be determined by the Studierendenwerk Bremen due to the different requirements within the types of training.
In addition, entitlement to educational support depends on personal requirements such as age, aptitude and nationality.
If the training abroad is carried out in connection with attending a higher technical college, academy or university in Germany, half of the funding amount is generally granted as an interest-free loan. In certain cases, however, funding is granted as a full loan.