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Voluntary Social Year / Youth Voluntary Service

If you would like to complete a voluntary social year in Bremen, you must obtain information from the approved FSJ bearers of the Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft (LAG) der Freiwilligendienste. The Senate Department "Youth" is responsible for the supervision, but will not arrange any specific places for you.

The youth voluntary services in Bremen are coordinated by the FSJ-supporters of the LAGs of the voluntary services. They are an educational year for young people, usually starting in August or September and lasting at least six and at most 18 months.

Within the framework of the voluntary service

  • a reasonable monthly allowance,
  • possibly accommodation and/or meals (or a lump sum for material costs),
  • the payment of social security contributions,
  • a holiday entitlement (at least 26 days for a 12-month assignment),
  • a qualified certificate,
  • Advice and support from the executing agency and the emergency services,
  • free participation in seminars (min. 25 days for a 12-month assignment)

legally established.


The voluntary services are aimed at people who

  • have completed compulsory full-time schooling but have not yet reached the age of 27
  • would like to gain insights into social, societal, (inter)cultural and sporting fields of work
  • are looking for professional orientation and want to get to know a field of work
  • want to improve the conditions of access to working life
  • would like to become predominantly practically active.