Paying wastewater charges
Steuern und Abgaben
Bauen und Wohnen
Abfall und Umweltschutz
Would you like to know how high the charges for wastewater are and how they are calculated? You can find out more here.
Basic information
Since April 1, 2024, there have been two changes to the billing of wastewater charges.
- Firstly, the fees have been adjusted.
- Secondly, the fee model has been changed.
There are changes for property owners whose sealed surface area is less than 1,000 m²: in future, they will receive separate fee notices for wastewater and rainwater (stormwater). The so-called wastewater fee no longer exists
The drainage fee is made up of 2 parts for all properties:
- The discharge and treatment of wastewater.
- The discharge and treatment of rainwater (stormwater).
Dirty water is the water that comes from kitchens, bathrooms or toilets, for example. This fee is based on how many cubic meters of fresh water is used.
From April 2024, the disposal of one cubic meter of dirty water will cost 2.93 euros. That is 0.35 euros more than before.
The fee adjustment applies for the period from April 1, 2024 to December 31, 2026.
- Owner:in of a property or authorized user of the property.
What documents do I need?
- None
- For waste water, the water consumption (meter reading) is requested from swb Vertrieb Bremen.