Wohnsitz ummelden (Online - Pilotbetrieb)
Bauen und Wohnen
Have you moved within Bremen or moved from the federal territory to Bremen? You can now re-register online, including the new address on your ID card.
Basic information
If you move into an apartment, you must register.
You do not need to deregister with the registration authority in whose jurisdiction your previous home was located.
Further information can be found in the linked descriptions "Reregistering your place of residence (sole, main or secondary residence)" and "Registering your place of residence, moving in from within Germany (sole, main or secondary residence)" under "Further information".
You need a Bund-ID user account to use this digital service.
You will also need
- a valid ID card with activated online ID function incl. PIN (for more information on the online ID function, see "More information" - "Where can I find out more?")
- or an eID card (for more information on the eID card, see "More information" - "Where can I find out more?")
- an NFC-enabled smartphone or a USB card reader
- the AusweisApp (further information on the AusweisApp can be found under "Further information" - "Where can I find out more?") for your computer or smartphone.
All registrations for new main or sole residences are possible. The status of existing secondary residences remains unaffected.
If you have set up an information block for your registration data record, electronic residence registration is not possible.
What documents do I need?
- Identity card
- Landlord confirmation