Fixing of periodic penalty payments
Steuern und Abgaben
Notification of the penalty payment
Basic information
Reason for the letter:
The tax return must be submitted on time if you are obliged to submit a return.
Statutory submission deadlines for citizens without tax advice:
Taxation period Deadline for submission
2021 01.11.2022
2022 02.10.2023
2023 02.09.2024
2024 31.07.2025
2025 31.07.2026
Statutory filing deadlines for citizens with tax advice:
Taxation period Filing deadline
2021 31.08.2023
2022 31.07.2024
2023 02.06.2025
2024 30.04.2026
2025 01.03.2027
Despite the expiry of the statutory submission deadline, subsequent reminders (for taxpayers not advised on tax matters) and the threat of a penalty payment, no tax returns have been submitted to date. The obligation to submit was not fulfilled within the deadline specified in the threat of a penalty payment, so that the penalty payment has now been imposed in accordance with Sections 328, 333 of the German Fiscal Code (AO).
In individual cases, the time lag between the identification of taxpayers who have not yet submitted their declaration and the sending of the letters can lead to a penalty being imposed even though the declaration has already been submitted. In this case, no response to the penalty assessment letter is required.
In individual cases, the time lag between the offense and the sending of the penalty payment assessment letter may result in a penalty payment assessment being sent even though the declaration has already been submitted.
In this case, no response to the penalty payment assessment letter is required.